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Northern Research and Demonstration Farm

Map of Northern Research and Demonstration Farm located in Hancock County, IowaLocation 

Hancock County


Just south of Kanawha on County Road R-35.

Northern Research Farm 
310 S. Main Street 
Kanawha, IA 50447

(641) 762-3247

Map view of Northern Research and Demonstration Farm


 173 acres


North Central Iowa Research Association

Fields of the Northern FarmHistory

The North Iowa Experimental Association, the oldest in Iowa, was formed in 1930 and purchased 93 acres. The Clarion- Webster Experimental Association was formed in 1952 and purchased 80 acres. In 1995, the associations merged.


Terrain is gently sloping, broken by a rectangular gridwork of roads and fields. Much of the land is drained by tile systems and open ditches because the land has poor natural drainage. Predominant soils are:

2-5 percent slope, very well drained, occurs on upland slopes

1-3 percent slope, poorly drained, occurs between uplands and low areas

0-3 percent slope, poorly drained, occurs on low-lying uplands

Research and Demonstration

Crops. The farm is a site for small grain variety tests, corn and specialty soybean breeding, studies of nitrogen fertilization rates and timing on corn and breeding soybeans with resistance to soybean cyst nematode. Researchers conduct extensive tests on corn and soybean weed management. Evaluation of cover crops and strip tillage also is underway.

Soils. Researchers study soil fertility and management systems. Agronomists study nutrient requirements of area crops and apply nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and lime to observe crop yield response.


Farm Reports

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